Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique® (NAET)
NAET utilizes neuromuscular sensitivity testing (NST), which indicates the kinetic imbalance in the body caused by the substance. The NAET treatment stimulates pressure points along the spine from the neck to the sacrum while the client is holding the substance. Specific acupuncture points are then massaged to stabilize the treatment. The substance is held for 20 minutes, then must be completely avoided for 25 hours following the treatment. Items are treated and cleared one at a time in a specific sequence. Normally only one item is treated per session.
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In 1983, Dr. Devi Nambudripad discovered NAET, a technique to treat allergies. In NAET, allergies are viewed from a holistic perspective, based on Oriental Medical principles, and defined in terms of the effect a substance has on the energy flow in the body. The result of energy imbalances in the body leads to a diminished state of health in one or more organ systems. By re-programming the brain and removing the blockages from the energy pathways, NAET allows the body to regain balance and function normally. The human body can be compared to an equilateral triangle, where each side of the triangle directly influences the other two sides. Health is present when the physical, physiological and psychological aspects are balanced. According to NAET theory, anything can cause disruption of the energy flow
NAET Services
Initial Session (about 75 min.) $150
NAET Session (about 45 min.) $75
NAET is considered an alternative therapy, which does not diagnose or cure any condition. NAET may provide symptom relief through energy balancing. The client is to continue all medications and/or treatments prescribed by their primary care physician.